Our Purpose
Our purpose as individuals and as a church is to glorify God with a whole-hearted, principled obedience to His Holy Word. We believe that our purpose may be summarized in three main areas: Worship, Evangelism, and Discipleship.
Our worship service is designed to glorify God in accordance with His Word through expository preaching of the Holy Scripture, the singing of hymns, the giving of tithes and offerings, and corporate prayer. We endeavor in our service to offer Him worship which will be pleasing in His sight even as it edifies His children.
Through worship, fellowship and ministry we endeavor, by God’s enabling, to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Pet. 3:18) so as to become effective witnesses for Him, “being fruitful in every good work” (Col. 1:10).
We believe that critical to the process of discipleship is not only the exposition of biblical truth but also the exemplification of such truth, particularly by those who are in positions of spiritual authority (cf. 1 Tim. 4:16; Tit. 2:7). Accordingly, our leadership is held to a high standard of godliness and accountability. Because Christian discipleship is nurtured in community with other believers (cf. Eph. 3:14-18; 4:12-16)), we emphasize the need for mutual love for one another as well as respect for those who are in positions of spiritual leadership (1 Thess. 5:12-15).
Part of discipleship involves being part of a church which is governed according to scriptural principles. As a part of that discipline, we are responsible to our officers (elders and deacons). We believe that it is essential for a church to work cooperatively in formal association with other like-minded churches.
By the grace of God, we desire to see the testimony of New Testament Christianity carried to, and lived out before, a lost and dying world. We invite all to come and join with us in worshipping our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ!
Our church offers a variety of ministries for its members, for other Christians, and for the larger community. These include our church bookstore, tape and CD ministry, and ministries for adults, youth, and children.
Berean Bible Bookstore
The Berean Bible Bookstore serves the need for biblical truth and to provide good Christian literature and Bibles. It is hoped that these tools will prove useful for the purposes of evangelism, instruction, personal devotions, and for the building up of the body of Christ. Under the blessing of God, such literature has often been effective in dispelling ignorance and false teaching, and in contributing to the overall spiritual health and fellowship of needy Christians.
The bookstore offers literature from modern reformed authors, including Piper, Boice, Lloyd-Jones, and Sproul as well as historic Reformed authors, the Puritans and others including an extensive selection of children’s literature. In addition, we provide a selection of cards, tracts, music, and gift items.
The bookstore is located on the lower floor of the church building (entry on the right hand side of the building as you enter the church parking lot). The bookstore’s phone number is: 973-579-6862. Hours are typically after the Sunday morning worship service, Saturday mornings, and three weekdays. Please call for specific hours.