Our Leadership
Learn more about our Leadership at RBCL

The leadership of the Reformed Baptist Church of Lafayette consists of elders and deacons. The scriptural qualifications for these offices are taken seriously and are found in 1 Timothy 3:1-13 and Titus 1:5-9. The board of elders has overall authority over the life of the church and the board of deacons assists in such duties as may be assigned by the elders, including teaching, the management of church funds, and all the work associated with our building.
Church officers are nominated by the church via advisory ballot, approved by the elders, then elected by the church, as detailed in the constitution and bylaws of the church. Church officers are elected by the church at annual business meetings, and confirmed every four years. All church officers must conscientiously affirm their agreement with the church’s confession of faith and constitution.

Patrick Harrison

Phil Horjus

Tom Taylor