Author: admin

Quarterly Prayer Meeting

9/7/24 •              Thanksgiving: For being united in Christ (I Cor 1:4-9) o             For being greatly blessed with the gospel, salvation, and spiritual gifts •              Doxology:  Praise God: For Jesus Christ (II Cor 1:3-5) o             For the Father of Mercies o             God of all comfort •              Thanks to God for His leadership in triumph (II Cor 2:14-16) […]

Summer Garden Party

Get to know each other! Invite friends! Enjoy the garden! Saturday, August 31 9:30 am to 11:30 am In Dori Martin’s Garden 117 Holland Road Wantage, NJ RSVP to Dori Martin 973-919-2899

Good Friday Service at 7:00 PM

Opening Prayer “Sweet the Moments, Rich in Blessing” Hymn 189 Scripture Reading – Luke 23:26-43 “Glory be to Jesus” Hymn 190 Scripture Reading – Luke 23:44-56 Special Music – Dori Martin Sermon – Pastor Patrick Harrison Isaiah 53 “Our Atoning, Sin-Bearer” “Man of Sorrows!” Hymn 175 Closing Prayer When he was reviled, he did not […]

Christ Be With Me

Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me,Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me,Christ on my right, Christ on my left,Christ where I lie, Christ where I sit, Christ where I arise,Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me,Christ in the mouth of every one who speaks to me,Christ in […]

Annual Congregational Meeting 2/25/24

No afternoon service this Sunday. The Congregational Meeting immediately follows the morning service. The agenda and reports are available at the meeting. The meeting will be broadcast via Zoom. If you would like the meeting package sent to you please submit a request to Tom Taylor as found in the church directory or submit a […]

Grace’s Pantry Easter Baskets

Items requested by Sunday, March 24th. Canned Vegetables Pasta Pasta Sauce Instant Potatoes Gravy Cereal Jello Dinner Rolls Cake Mix Frosting Egg Decorating Kits Jelly Beans $10.00 Gift Card An outreach ministry of The Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, The Reformed Baptist Church of Lafayette, The First Presbyterian Church of Franklin, The First Presbyterian Church […]

Ladies Brunch

At the Reformed Baptist Church of Lafayette Saturday February 10 At 10:30 For a time of Food and Fellowship It is a “BYOB brunch”  or bring food to share, such as your favorite brunch dish, quiche, egg dish, French toast, bread, pastry, fruit, yogurt…. Sign up is in the foyer. or let Jean Horjus know […]

Memorizing Scripture is beneficial because it:

1. Helps to renew your mind and change your thought life, establishing permanent change in your entire manner of life and conduct (Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:2-3).2. Follows the example of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 4:1-10).3. Equips you to use Scripture in everyday situations (for example: Acts 2:16-21, 25-28; 3:22-23; 13:40-41, 47).4. Allows God’s Word […]

Thank You from Grace’s Pantry

Dear members of the Lafayette Reformed Baptist Congregation: I would like to extend our sincerest gratitude and thanks for your support of Grace’s Pantry through this recent Christmas Season. The needs have been great but our Lord’s ability to provide has been greater! With your assistance we were able to provide food baskets and Christmas […]